INFORMASI: .:: Jadwal Kegiatan Pelaksanaan UAS : Tanggal 5 - 10 Desember 2016 | Jadwal Kegiatan Libur Akhir Semester Gasal : 19 - 31 Desember 2016 (jadwal sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah). Semoga Bermanfaat ::.


  1. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Pendidikan
      It be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about education under the title "What happen with our education?" in this National Education Day or HARDIKNAS. Selengkapnya>>>
  2. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Narkoba
      Drug? What is that? I am sure you all already know, and may be better than me about what drug is and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Drugs actually are a medicine for anesthetize patients in surgery. Selengkapnya>>>
  3. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Lingkungan
      Realize it or not, we live in this world depends on the environment, we drink water from our environment, we breath air from our environment and we eat foods which planted from our environment. Our environment has a great influence in our live. Selengkapnya>>>
  4. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Korupsi
      Corruption is well known word that everyone in this country knows exactly what it means and how cruel it is. Corruption is an action of stealing people money and their right of justice. It is stink and inhuman action. Selengkapnya>>>
  5. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Perpisahan
      There are so many things that I want to say here to express how thankful we are. I can't find a word to express this tears of joy of remembering all memories that we have been through during this past three years. All we want to say is we are proud to belong here, to study here and to meet all great teachers that we have ever met. Selengkapnya>>>
  6. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Ibu
      What was the first thing you figured out in your head when you heard a word "Mom". A best friend? A wish-adviser? A good teacher? Or a real hero? Whatever it is, one thing is clear she is everything. Selengkapnya>>>
  7. Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris : Hari Pahlawan
      Today, November 10, we commemorate the national hero day. Today, November 10, we commemorate the day when our ancestor devote thought and effort to maintain the independence of our country, Indonesia. Selengkapnya>>>
  8. Pidato Singakt Bahasa Inggris : Bahaya Merokok
      My friends, Do you know? In this little tiny thing (a cigarette), there are more than 4000 dangerous substances that will lead the ones who smoke it to death. Some of those evil substances are nicotine, the substance that causes addictive to smoke over and over again. Tar, the substance that causes lung cancer. Selangkapnya>>>